Thursday, November 15, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Hubby Humor
Since my last stint in the hospital a few weeks ago, I've not been much of a cook since I can't eat anything anyway. Cooking isn't any fun anymore. So Friday night Rick kept asking me what was for dinner. I was involved with other things, so I never really acknowledged him. About 30 minutes later, I could hear him in the kitchen clanking around. By this time it was after 8:00 pm. Finally, I finished what I was doing and went in the kitchen and asked Rick what he wanted me to make for him for dinner. (Rick and I were the only ones home, the kids were all off and about). He said, "I already ate and my stomach is scared." I asked him what he ate and why was his stomach scared. He said, "I had hot dogs and waffles and some almonds and my stomach is scared of what else I was going to give it that didn't go together!" I had to laugh. I actually laughed for about 30 minutes after every time I thought about it. I even have to chuckle now as I write this. I think this will make me smile for a long time to come:)
Autumn to Winter in 4.2 hours
Went to bed Thursday night. It was windy but pretty warm. Woke up Friday morning to this....about an inch or so of snow and COLD!
Saturday morning I woke up to about 9 inches of snow. By time I went to bed, there was about a foot and still COLDER!
Saturday morning I woke up to about 9 inches of snow. By time I went to bed, there was about a foot and still COLDER!
It's a Winterwonderland! Rick has even been listening to Christmas music. It's only November 11th. I'm not ready yet....."Fall, come back!"
Pie Baking...........
Our #1 turned 23 on November 4th!
Since Caslyn can't have sugar, we had to eliminate the cake or in her case birthday pie and substitute sugar free ice cream. And.....I forgot to get some candles, hence the match. Good thing Caslyn is so easy going. Love this girl!
It's Pumpkin Time!
Logan's Halloween Dance
Friday, November 2, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
I finished The Many Lives and Secret Sorrows of Josephine B by Sandra Gulland.
This was a great book. I never really knew much about Josephine Bonaparte, especially her life before becoming Napolean's wife. This book told of her life up until she married Bonaparte. She was a remarkable woman. I thoroughly enjoyed this read and definately recommend it to those of you who especially like reading about historical events and people.
I give it 4 stars!
I give it 4 stars!
Another Girls Choice Dance
He replied by carving out a pumpkin, putting letters YES inside the innards and putting them back in the pumpkin. He tied a ribbon around the pumpkin and wrote, "Look inside to find my answer if you have the GUTS"
Logan's 1st Dance (Girls Choice)
Getting on the Frontrunner and headed to SLC to City Creek for a scavenger hunt, then to Cheesecake Factory for lunch! |

They met up again at Holly's house in Ogden then headed off to a friends house where they made "Hobo Dinners." Then to the dance then they all went to a corn maze to top off the evening!
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