Sunday, April 29, 2012

I finished MOLOKA'I. Can I just say that I loved it!  It opened up a world to me that I never really knew existed.  It made me truly look into myself and know that we are given a life.  Life sometimes gives us trials and afflictions.  It is our choice what we choose to do with that life.  We can hate, blame or give up or we can choose to live, laugh and love!  I give MOLOKA'I 41/2 stars and highly recommend it as a great historical fiction read!

My next read is TALLGRASS by Sandra Dallas......stay tunes for the review!

Monday, April 23, 2012

My beautiful Kinsie turned 19 on the 16th. She has filled my life with sweet joy and happiness. I am so proud that she is my daughter!

EASTER SUNDAY at the Montgomery's

I finished Game of Thrones!!  I was a great read.  It took some time to get into it because of the MANY characters to keep track of, but over all, I give it 4 stars!  Can't wait to start #2.

I am now reading Molokai.  I'll keep you posted:)

Young Womens Temple Day at the Bountiful Temple!

This is 3 out of my 7 MiaMaids.  Abby, Autumn and Madi.  I love, love, love my girls!!

We have such beautiful, virtuous, worthy YW!  We took a group of them to the Bountiful Temple with some of the YM.  It was a wonderful experience to watch these girls so valiantly do the Lord's work and serve.  I am honored to be a part of their young lives.  They are truly an example to me of purity.