Friday, February 24, 2012


Rick had the day off and was finding things to do.  He exercised, ran some errands, conditioned our leather couches, then I mentioned to him why didn't he make the dessert that he has been wanting me to make.  I got out all the ingredients for him and told him he was ready to go!  A few minutes later, he calls me in.  I looked at him and asked him why he was using a pastry blender to mix up a cake mix and he said "because it was too thick for a mini whisk."  Of course, why didn't I think of that? LOL ;)  Then he called me in a few minutes later again.  He asked if we had any canola oil?  I said no, but this will work just fine.  I handed him vegetable oil.  He noticed that there was a can of canola oil PAM spray in the cupboard.  He said, "here's some canola oil, I'll use this!"  I said, "no, that's not the right oil."  He said, "yes it is, it says canola oil right on the can!"  "No", I said, "use the vegetable oil."  He explained to me that all he had to do was spray the canola oil in a cup until he had enough for 1/3 cup!  TeeHeeHee.  He makes me laugh! 

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