Caslyn and Kinsie joined us for a day. They loved it and are looking forward to next year when they can go for the whole week!
Walking to the next class. So many faithful in one place....it doesn't get any better than this. |
A view of "Y" mountain. It was a beautiful week. |
On our way to the devotional. Elder Tad Callister spoke on our identity and who we are. |

This is Terri. She sat next to me in my Book of Mormon class. She is blind and sat there and took her notes on her Braille writer. I was so impressed and touched by how many faithful saints are determined to go to Education Week. I saw the blind with their guide dogs or sticks, the deaf with their sign language interpretters, the crippled in their wheelchairs, the mentally challenged, couples walking hand in hand with their spouses, many youth and many old and many really, really old. Such devotion, coming and waiting to be instructed of the Lord. I was extremely touched!

My sweet Mother-in-law comes out from California and attends Education Week with me. It is "our" thing. We love it! We also love being "roomies" together in Helaman Halls for the week!
I loved this week! I loved the Spirit, the classes, the people, being among the faithful and having the best roomie in the world! One of my instructors made the comment that he loves Ed. Week because he feels like he is among the people of Enoch. I would have to agree with him:) I am so grateful for the gospel and for wonderful instructors who have sacrificed their time away from their families and jobs to come to Eduation Week and "feed" me. I was so sad for it all to come to an end. I very much look forward to next year!
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